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Graphene has been one of the most vigorously studied research materials. We have developed a program for simulation of graphene field effect transistor (GFET). In this work, we use the simulation program to explore the performance of graphene FET. The simple model of the graphene FET is based on non-equilibrium Green’s function method and first is implemented by using graphic user interface of Matlab. The current-voltage characteristics of the GFET and affects of channel materials, gate materials, size of graphene FET, temperature on the characteristics are explored.

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Article Details

Issue: Vol 16 No 3 (2013)
Page No.: 5-12
Published: Sep 30, 2013
Section: Natural Sciences - Research article

 Copyright Info

Creative Commons License

Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Dinh, H. (2013). Simulation of current-voltage characteristics of graphene field effect transistor (GFET). Science and Technology Development Journal, 16(3), 5-12.

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