Online First Policy
Online First Articles are peer-reviewed, accepted articles, copyedited, but un-corrected (uncorrected proofs) by authors for final versions. All Online First Articles will be labeled with Online First icon and marked as Un-correction proof. When the final articles are available, they will be removed and the final version (Corrected proofs) will replace the Online first article versions.
- Online First Articles are peer-reviewed, accepted articles, copyedited, but un-corrected (uncorrected proofs) by authors for final versions. All Online First Articles will be labeled with Online First icon and marked as Un-correction proof. When the final articles are available, they will be removed and the final version (Corrected proofs) will replace the Online first article versions.
- Uncorrected proofs are articles that have been copy edited and formatted, but have not been finalized yet. They still need to be proof-read and corrected by the author(s) and the text could still change before final publication.
- Corrected proofs are articles that contain the authors’ corrections. Final citation details, e.g. volume and/or issue number, publication year and page numbers, still need to be added and the text might change before final publication.