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Somatic embryos of cassava var. KM297 received from pieces of in vitro immature leaf lobes or cotyledon of somatic embryos, were induced on the MS medium supplemented with 8mg/l picloram after 13 days inoculation in the dark condition. Different states of embryo were obtained after 10 days cultured on MS medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/l BA and 0.01mg/l NAA, in the light condition. Role of endogenous AIA and Zeatin of the globular state of embryos was studied.

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Article Details

Issue: Vol 14 No 3 (2011)
Page No.: 14-22
Published: Sep 30, 2011
Section: Natural Sciences - Research article

 Copyright Info

Creative Commons License

Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Vu, K., & Nguyen, S. (2011). SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS OF CASSAVA (MANIHOT ESCULENTA CRANTZ) VAR. KM297. Science and Technology Development Journal, 14(3), 14-22.

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