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We study the following nonlinear boundary value problem (-1)/x^y d/dx (x^y.|u^,(x)|^(p-2) u^,(x))+f(x,u(x))=F(x),0<x<1, (1) |lim┬(x→0_+ )⁡〖x^γ⁄p_(u^,(x)) 〗 | < +∞ ,|u^,(1)|^(p-2) u^,(1)+h.u(1)=g (2) where  > 0, p  2, h > 0, g are given constants, f, F are given functions. In this paper, we use the Galerkin and compactness method in appropriate Sobolev spaces with weight to prove the existence of a unique weak solution of the problem (1),(2). Afterwards, we also study the asymptotic behavior of the solution uh depending on h as h→0+. We also obtain that the function h  |u_h (1)| is nonincreasing on (0, +∞).

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Article Details

Issue: Vol 3 No 9&10 (2000)
Page No.: 24-33
Published: Oct 31, 2000
Section: Article

 Copyright Info

Creative Commons License

Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Tien Dung, B., & Minh Thuyet, T. (2000). ON A NONLINEAR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM WITH A MIXED BOUNDARY CONDITION: ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR OF A SOLUTION. Science and Technology Development Journal, 3(9&10), 24-33.

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