Phan Boi Chau, a revolutionary Confucian scholar, lived in the transitional period of the Confucian decline and the replacement of Western studies for the traditional ones. In the context of countless mi learning, or little understanding of Confucianism, Phan Boi Chau wrote "Khong Hoc Dang" Book (The Lamp of Confucianism) aiming at redefining the purpose of learning, highlighting the Confucian learning spirit to maintain good behaviors in life. As held by Phan Boi Chau, the old learning was the foundation, the new learning the material for a beautiful castle. Learning was not to serve as slaves to the past nor to the present. Phan Boi Chau divided the Book, in accordance with its content, into "Luan Ngu”, “Dai hoc" and "Trung Dung" with different titles for better translation and interpretation, not just translating from the first chapter to the last one as many other scholars would do. Phan Boi Chau displayed the Confucian history from the early time to the making of the nation with a very methodical, logical chronicle, highlighting the core values of the doctrine. Interpreting the Confucian thinking, Phan was not dependent upon the old thoughts to the national issues and others facing society then. In general, Phan Boi Chau possessed a new outlook and independent thinking, bringing into full play the essence of the doctrine of Kong zi and Meng zi.
Issue: Vol 1 No 2&3 (1998)
Page No.: 79-85
Published: Mar 31, 1998
Section: Article
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