Based on our previous paper –[1], in which we have computed the ampacity of overhead power transmission lines with considering the influence of environmental conditions such as wind velocity, wind direction, temperature, and radiation coefficient on the typical line of ACSR, we continue in this paper to investigating the influence of Viet Nam climatic condition on the ampacity of overhead power transmission lines in twelve months of the year. The results obtained by the finite element method are compared with those computed by the IEEE standard have been shown the high accuracy and applicability of the finite element method. In particular, the comparison between our calculated results and the maximum current given by the design standard has been shown that if we monitor well the climatic condition, we can operate the real overhead transmission lines with the maximum current that is higher than the original design about several hundred amperes.
Issue: Vol 19 No 1 (2016)
Page No.: 20-30
Published: Mar 31, 2016
Section: Engineering and Technology - Research article
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