Nowadays, educational institutions with tourism and hospitality majors are a place providing high-quality human resources to society. The official establishment of ASEAN Economic Community in December 2015 allows a free movement of labor within different areas including tourism among ten Southeast Asian countries and creates a competition with domestic labor. Moreover, the trend of integration also means higher requirements for employees from enterprises, which demands educational institutions to continuously improve curriculum to enhance educational quality. However, training programs must be practical in order to improve quality of education. Educational institutions must be closely coordinated with enterprises through various modes of cooperation. Collaborating between enterprises and educational institutions with majors in tourism and hospitality industry not only benefits each party tremendously but also benefits students practically. Through understanding different cooperating modes between universities in Ha Noi with tourism enterprises as well as learning experiences from many prestigious universities in the world, the paper summarizes collaborating modes between educational institutions with tourism enterprises in training students to satisfy requirements in the current situation.
Issue: Vol 19 No 4 (2016)
Page No.: 120-126
Published: Dec 31, 2016
Section: Social Sciences and Humanities - Research article
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