Polyphenol production in Kim Tuyen green tea extract was surveyed in this study by optimizing appropriate conditions for Viscozyme L. The optimum amount of water added was 1:20 (w material: w water), the ratio 0.06 v enzyme: w extract, Viscozyme L showed the highest activity at 40 - 450C in 90 min at 60 rpm. Total polyphenol in green tea extract collected from the conditions above reached its peak at 23.49% of dry content (w/w). The total polyphenol and antioxidant activities by carried out by DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) assay of green tea extract (collected by the conditions above) treated with Viscozyme L (23.98%) showed IC50 value at 276.98μL, which was significantly higher antioxidant activities of those treated with non-enzyme extraction (15.75% w/w), with IC50 value at 328.98μL.
Issue: Vol 17 No 2 (2014)
Page No.: 56-64
Published: Jun 30, 2014
Section: Engineering and Technology - Research article
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