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Ba Mieu and Đat Cuoc sedimentary formation cover fully in Suoi Ngo – Tan Hoa area. In that, Ba Mieu formation is the main formation which contents of kaolin and is covered by Đat Cuoc formation on the Northwest. Ore bed of kaolin often meets sheeted form. They extend on Northwest-Southeast, average thickness is 5.94 meter. Main mineral are kaolinite (average 44.2%), less illite (average 11.75%), monmorillonite (2,20%). Kaolin has still a lot of quart (27,75%), feldspar (average 5,25%), chlorite (3,0%). Chemical element of kaolin, sieved by 0.1 mm sieve, are Al2O3 17,96% (Tan Hoa) - 22,49% (Suoi Ngo); Fe2O3 1,08% (Tan Hoa) - 1,13% (Suoi Ngo). Grain <0,1mm is 69,92% (Suoi Ngo) - 73,40% (Tan Hoa). The percentage of kaolin grain <0.1 is 63.98. But kaolin still has a lot of quart so that kaolin quality is middle. The bright is 65%. Although kaolin quality is not good, it covers on a big area and its thickness is big. Moreover, the percentage of grain < 0.1 mm is higher. Overall, the potential of kaolin is big. According kaolin producing standard now, Sui Ngo - Tan Hoa kaolin are suitable for using on ceramic industry with Viet Nam standard TCVN-6300-1997 and acid uninflammable block. Using kaolin Suoi Ngo - Tan Hoa manufactures ceramic tile sample. The test results are suitable with Viet Nam ceramic tile standard such as contraction, absorbent, hardness. To use kaolin in many branches, we need a method to be eliminated quart or collected kaolin higher.

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Article Details

Issue: Vol 15 No 3 (2012)
Page No.: 64-75
Published: Sep 30, 2012
Section: Sciences of Earth and Environment - Research article

 Copyright Info

Creative Commons License

Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Truong, C., Nguyen, H., Vo, D., & Nguyen, M. (2012). CHARACTERISTICS OF GEOLOGY, QUALITY AND POTENTIALITY OF KAOLIN SUOI NGO - TAN HOA, TAY NINH PROVINCE. Science and Technology Development Journal, 15(3), 64-75.

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