Different from their ancestors, most of the Australian Aborigines currently live outside their native land but in a multicultural society under the major influence of Western culture. The assimilation policy, the White Australian policy etc. partly deprived Australian aborigines of their traditional culture. The young generations tend to adopt the western style of living, leaving behind their ancestors’ culture without any heir! However, they now are aware of this loss, and in spite of the modern trend of western culture, they are striving for their traditional preservation. In “Multicultural Australia: United in Diversity” announced on 13 May 2003, Australian government stated guidelines for the 2003-2006 development strategies. The goals are to build a successful Australia of diverse cultures, ready to be tolerant to other cultures; to build a united Australia with a shared future of devoted citizens complying with the law. As for Aboriginal culture, the multicultural policy is a recognition of values and significance of the most original features of the country’s earliest culture. It also shows the government’s great concern for the people, especially for the aborigines. All this displays numerous advantages for the preservation of Australian aboriginal culture.
Issue: Vol 13 No 1 (2010)
Page No.: 56-72
Published: Mar 30, 2010
Section: Social Sciences and Humanities - Research article
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