The estimation of emissions depends strongly on the quality of the emission factors used for the calculations. It is necessary to find method for estimation of emission factors from road traffic to calculate the emissions of air pollutants from transportation activity in Hochiminh City (HCMC). From the research results, suitable method and tracer were selected. Emission factors of 15 VOCs from C2-C6, NOx, and CO from road traffic in HCMC were estimated. The measurement campaign was carried out in 3/2 street., distrist 10, HCMC from 10h00 to 22h00 per day. Three VOCs compounds with high average emission factors were hexane (59,7  9,2 mg/km.veh.), i-pentane (52,7  7,4 mg/km.veh.) and 3-methylpentane (36,1  3,6 mg/km.veh.). The average emission factor of NOx and CO were 0,20  0,03 g/km.veh and 23,37  6,61 g/km.veh, respectively. Besides, the emission factors of air pollutants for motorcycles, light duty vehicles and heavy duty vehicles were caculated by regression linear method.
Issue: Vol 13 No 3 (2010)
Page No.: 5-18
Published: Sep 30, 2010
Section: Sciences of Earth and Environment - Research article
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