Base on proposed formulation and testing results, method of determination of initial excess pore water pressure, which is used in filtration consolidation and other geotechnical problems in case of plane and spatial problems. Unlike supposition in initial time t = 0, σ = uwo, i.e. accepting a value of coefficient of initial pore water pressure β=1, by the laboratory testing results in triaxial cell, value of coefficient of initial pore water pressure of weak saturated clayey soils in HoChi Minh City and Mekong delta is lower 1. Output computation and research results show, that initial excess pore water pressure depends on water saturation, value of compression stress and groundwater level. Using the suggested formula allows determining coefficient of initial excess pore water pressure and applies to estimate initial settlement, distribution initial pore water pressure in consolidation and long term settlement.
Issue: Vol 12 No 8 (2009)
Page No.: 90-96
Published: Apr 28, 2009
Section: Article
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