In neutron activation analysis based on the ko standardization method (ko INAA), the ko-factor is a combination of nuclear constants and it was measured by experiments. It plays an important role in the accuracy of ko-INAA method. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the ko-factors in many different neutron sources and compare the results. In this paper, the ko- factors to gold of manganese (ko, Au(Mn)), cadmium ((ko, Au(Cd)), Chromium ((koAu(Cr)), Zinc ((ko, Au(Zn)), Arsenic ((ko, Au(As)), Vanadium ((ko,Au(V) by neutron activation with the Am-Be isotope neutron source were measured. The comparision between our results and the results of Decorter et. al. showed relative differences of less than twenty percents. Among which, our most accurate result was found in (ko, Au(Mn) with only 1.18 percents relative difference.
Issue: Vol 12 No 12 (2009)
Page No.: 29-34
Published: Jun 28, 2009
Section: Article
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