From the shortcomings of urbanization in Ho Chi Minh City, the paper focuses on analyzing of and giving warnings on the risks leading to security loss in the life of the inhabitants in urbanizing areas. When farmland runs out (due to land transferred to non-agricultural purposes, or unable for crops due to pollution), farmers in urbanizing areas are no longer farmers. However, they are not trained to be of the work force in urban economic mechanism, which results in deadlocks and security loss in economy, society and culture. This negative consequence has had tremendous impacts on the young generation – their children, being indeed a delay fuse of the risk of social security loss which is being piled up owing to irrational issues in the urbanization process in Ho Chi Minh City in particular, in Vietnam in general.
Issue: Vol 12 No 15 (2009)
Page No.: 18-24
Published: Sep 15, 2009
Section: Article
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