The aim of this work is to describe the source rocks in Cuu long Basin mainly consisting Cenozoic sediments (lower Oligocene + upper Eocene, upper Oligocene and lower Miocene) that are poor to rich in organic matter. The organic carbon (TOC%) in lower Oligocene + upper Eocene source rocks contains mostly kerogen type II, sometimes type I, III is 1.19-2.87%; in upper Oligocene source rocks containing mostly kerogen type II, sometimes type I and III is 1.14-4.0%; and in lower Miocene source rocks contains mostly kerogen type III is 0.64-1.32%. The Oligocene sediments are mostly deposited in lagoonal, estuarial and mixed environment. The depostitional environment of the organic matter in the lower Miocene sediments is terrestry.
Issue: Vol 11 No 4 (2008)
Page No.: 28-39
Published: Apr 30, 2008
Section: Sciences of Earth and Environment - Research article
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