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Nam Bo (Viet Nam) is a geo-ecological area under the influence of Dong Nai-Mekong River network. The general ecological environment of the area has created favourable conditions for the economic and cultural development of human communities throughout history. However, for thousands of years before the 17th century, Nam Bo was "without life and people", referred to in some historical documents as the land of the Jungle Savage (Moi Rung), inhabited by some native peoples (Ma, S'tieng, Chauro, Champa, Malayopolyesien) living in tiny countries such as Xich Tho or Chau Nai. In fact, there are many big gaps in our knowledge about Nam Bo's anthropological history. The authors present results of the surveys and excavations in Nam Bo's cultural monuments, in particular the recent discoveries of the anthropological characteristics of Nam Bo population and the suitable interpretation of the anthropological, historical, ethnological, and linguistic datu of Num Bo and beyond: from the Palaeothic Culture of Homo Erectus remains (500,000-300,000 BP) to Dong Nai Metal Cultures (5,000-2,000 BP) and ancient historical Oc Eo - post Oc Eo Cultures (2,000-300 BP) of the "Thuong" people (Indonesien) which was closely related to the ancient Southeast Asia and the Viet, Cham, Malayopolynesien, Chinese, Khmer, and Scythes. Considering our present state of knowledge, the authors noted the endeavours of the Viet and other neighbouring peoples in building a united bloc and reconstructing and transforming the land of Nam Bo from an uncultivated area to being the center of the Rice Civilisation, which is in accord with the material und spiritual life of Vietnam throughout history. And this is a truth that has never changed.

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Article Details

Issue: Vol 9 No 3 (2006)
Page No.: 5-20
Published: Mar 31, 2006
Section: Article

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Creative Commons License

Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Le, N., & Duc Manh, P. (2006). AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL MOSAIC OF NAM BO - VIET NAM BEFORE THE 17th CENTURY. Science and Technology Development Journal, 9(3), 5-20.

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