Some kinetic parameters of the purified protease from Aspergillus oryzae surface culture were determined: Km=634.5mg/L and Vmax=13.98mg/L.min. lons Na+, Zn 2+ and Fe3+ had an inhibitor effect to the enzyme activity. On the contrary, ion Mg 2+ had an activator effect. The influence of ion Ca2+ to the protease activity was more complicated. With low concentration (0.005M), this ion activated the protease; but with higher concentration (0.01M), it inhibited the enzyme activity. The purified protease was applied in fish sauce processing for proteolysis acceleration. High salt content (25%) in the fish-salt mixture decreased obviously the enzyme activity. Addition of salt and fungal protease to the fish sample with several times accelerated significantly fish proteolysis.
Issue: Vol 9 No 5 (2006)
Page No.: 53-58
Published: May 31, 2006
Section: Article
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