The Romanized Quoc Ngu Southern Nam Bo Literature (Nam bo Quoc ngu) from the end of the 19th C to 1945 is a rich component of our national literature. Since the mid-century of its birth up to 1945, this literary movement flourished with hundreds of writers and blossomed with thousands of literary publications, which attracted millions of readers. However, after 1945, the Nam bo Quoc ngu Literature was left, forgotten by the literary critics for a long while. This research paper aims first to ascertain the reasons why. The paper has the three following parts: 1) the research achievements and the introduction to quoc ngu Literarure in the recent tiventy years 2) the introduction of the Research work at the VNU-Ho Chi Minh City level as a focal programme : "Survey, Analysis , Preservation of the Nam Bo Quoc ngu Literature (end of the 19thC-beginning of the 20thC)", A Foundation research work for a Compilation of collected works of Nam Bo Quoc ngu Literature (end of 19thC-1945), 3) prospects for research in the area of Nam Bo Quoc ngu Literature on the aspects of literary history, linguistics, cultural studies and arts.
Issue: Vol 9 No 10 (2006)
Page No.: 5-18
Published: Oct 31, 2006
Section: Article
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