Shortest path problems lie at the heart of network flows, They arise frequently in practice since in a wide variety of application settings we wish to send some material (e.g, a computer data packet, a telephone call, a vehicle) between two specified point in a network as quickly, as cheaply, as reliably as possible... Some author is interested in this problem and the they have had many results. An algorithm was proviced by Dijks but now it is used in wide variety because it is simple and effective... In this paper we provice a way to use Dijkstra's algorithm to help us easy to used and have a visualization. Futhermore, in ciussical algorithm we must give a new label for each vertices in each step but in this new vision we use arrows for each vertices so give labels at most once times and unnecessary start label equal ∞.
Issue: Vol 8 No 8 (2005)
Page No.: 5-11
Published: Aug 31, 2005
Section: Article
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