Mature seeds of a cultivar of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. VND 95-20) were used as plant material. The callus was initiated on the MS medium containing 2 mg/ml 2,4-D, 1 mg/ml NAA, and 0,5 mg/ml BA. The callus obtained was moved to a hormone-free MS medium for somatic embryogenesis. Polar IAA transport plays a significant role in the regulation of somatic embryogenesis. To study IAA transport, we estimated the amount of auxins in the lower and upper halves of the callus. Paper chromatography, Oryza coleoptile assay, and Salkowsky test were used for the identification and isolation of auxins.
Issue: Vol 6 No 1&2 (2003)
Page No.: 63-70
Published: Feb 28, 2003
Section: Article
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