Formerly, although HocMon District is only 20 kilometers far from HoСhiMinh City, but here we had many models of the important orchards and vegetable garden with the precious races. Now, this district is detached in order to have 2 district: HocMon and 12th. Because of the strong urbanization, therefore, the orchards are lost, a lot of the fruit_ trees are cut, many houses, streets are built with the asphalted roads... Beyond, the population is increasing fastly, the garbages are very much, this problem affects the source of the well- water gravely. So, a study of an ecosystem on the gardens in order to select the best races and a study of the source of the usage water here, those are two necessary and urgent factors in the present time.
Issue: Vol 4 No 1&2 (2001)
Page No.: 97-104
Published: Feb 28, 2001
Section: Article
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