Thin cell layers (Imm) excised from the young flower stalk of Phalaenopsis amabilis (about 10mm) could form buds on the surface of the explants after 7 weeks being cultured on MS medium which was solidified with 6.8g/l agar and supplemented with 2% sugar, 20% Coconut Milk, 10mg/l acid ascorbic, 0.01mg/l NAA and 5mg/l (or 10mg/l) BA. The number of buds formed per thin layer was rather plentiful (>15 buds/thin layer) but these buds were small. After 11 weeks being cultured, they formed leaves and were high about 1.5cm. Bud primoria were formed from parenchymal cells of the cortex and of the inner area.
Issue: Vol 3 No 9&10 (2000)
Page No.: 47-51
Published: Oct 31, 2000
Section: Article
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