Science and Technology Development Journal

An official journal of Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam since 1997

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Orientation of solid-state physics and materials science at SPMS2023

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The SPMS2023 conference, which focused on Solid State Physics and Materials Science, took place at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, from November 5 to 7, 2023. The event received a substantial turnout, with more than 397 abstracts submitted by prominent experts and emerging researchers in the field. These submissions covered the latest advancements in fundamental aspects across four specialized sessions: (A) physics and magnetic materials, (B) semiconductor and dielectric physics, (C) semiconductor and dielectric materials and devices, and (D) biomedical materials, along with materials for agriculture, energy, and the environment. The conference featured a diverse program that included 36 invited presentations, 52 contributed oral reports, and 198 scientific posters, all of which were organized into the four principal themes above. Additionally, the Organizing Committee oversaw a rigorous review process for 180 full-text reports, which were subsequently submitted to the Journal of Science and Technology (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology).


The SPMS2023 conference, jointly organized by the Viet Nam Physical Society, the Viet Nam Materials Research Society (V-MRS), the Institute of Physics, the Institute of Materials Science (Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technology), Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam National University (VNU), PHENIKAA University, and Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, took place in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, from November 5 to 7, 2023. The conference featured 5 plenary speakers and 36 invited speakers and included more than 380 scientists (refer to Figure 1 , Table 1 , and Table 2 ) 1 . This year, the SPMS2023 conference attracted 380 participants from universities and research institutes, both domestically and internationally, to attend, meet, and engage in academic exchanges. Continuing the traditional international cooperation relationship between Vietnamese and Korean scientists, this year’s SPMS2023 Conference is attended by scientists from the Korean Physical Society and the Korean Materials Science Society reporting presentations. In addition, many Vietnamese scientists working abroad (France, Australia, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, etc .) also returned to Viet Nam to attend the SPMS2023. Since its first organization in 1995, the conference has been held 12 times and has drawn significant attention from the physics and materials science research community both nationally and internationally.

The event involved more than 380 researchers from universities and research institutes across the country and involved 12 foreign scientists. Notably, there were 52 oral presentations during plenary sessions and an additional 4 specialized sessions, complemented by 198 posters. The four specialized sessions covered diverse topics, including (A) physics and magnetic materials, (B) semiconductor and dielectric physics, (C) semiconductor and dielectric materials and devices, and (D) biomedical materials as well as materials for agriculture, energy, and the environment.

This year’s conference theme focused on the role of solid-state physics and materials science in semiconductor technology in Viet Nam. Professor Nguyen Duc Chien presented this topic. In addition, the SPMS2023 conference was held on the same day as Vietnam Physics (November 6), and Prof. Nguyen Quang Liem provided a detailed presentation on the history of Physics in Vietnam. In the plenary session, Prof. Suklyun Hong, who is President of the Korean Physics Association, shared the theoretical study of two-dimensional materials and their van der Waals heterostructures. After that, Prof. Nguyen Xuan Phuc presented the heating ability of the nanomaterials and their potential application. The last talk of the plenary session was of Dr. Nguyen Thai Ngoc Uyen from the University of Natural Sciences, University of Science and Technology, Ho Chi Minh City National University, who introduced the latest products on bionanocomposite materials and their application.

There were 157 presentations related to energy and the environment compared to 297 presentations at the conference ( Figure 2 ). The obtained results indicated that scientists are paying increased attention to this topic. On the other hand, energy and the environment have become hot topics. This focuses on green energy and sustainable development. The topics of lithium-ion batteries, fuel cells, CO 2 reduction, green hydrogen generation from seawater splitting, and clean water production from solar-driven water evaporation have received much attention.

During the conference, a 5 th committee meeting of Viet Nam University of Materials Science with more than 100 delegates was held, and 67 executive committee members, 12 members of the standing committee, including 01 president (Prof. Doan Dinh Phuong) and 06 vice presidents (Prof. Dang Mau Chien, Prof. Pham Thanh Huy, Prof. Nguyen Duc Hoa, Prof. Phan Bach Thang, Prof. Nguyen Van Dang, Prof. Nguyen Hoang Hai), were elected ( Figure 3 a). The Executive Committee is also grateful for the contributions of Professor Nguyen Duc Chien, Professor Le Quoc Minh, Professor Nguyen Hoang Luong, and Professor Pham Duc Thang. The SPMS2023 conference gave a 1-minute to commemorate Prof. Nguyen Van Hieu and organized activities to celebrate Vietnam Physics Day (November 6) ( Figure 3 b). The Vietnam-Korea Cooperation meeting was successfully organized ( Figure 3 c).

In conclusion, the discussions and poster exhibitions during SPMS2023 underscored the primary research directions within Solid-State Physics and Materials Science. These conferences have drawn significant attention from the physics and materials science research community both nationally and internationally. We look forward to seeing you at SPMS2025.

Figure 1 . (a) Photograph of invited speakers and participants at the 13th Vietnam National Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science 2023 (SPMS 2023); (b) Prof. Suklyun Hong giving talks at the conference; (c) The discussion in out of conference room; (d) the discussion in specialized sessions; (d) The discussion in poster section . (The photos were taken at the conference.)

Figure 2 . Energy and environment outlook (the photos were taken from Dr. Ngoc Quang Tran and Dr. Tran Ngoc Huan talks)

Figure 3 . (a) V-MRS executive committee meeting; (b) Vietnam Physics Day celebration; (c) Vietnam-Korea Cooperation Meeting.

Table 1 Plenary talks for SPMS2023

Table 2 Invited talks for SPMS2023


We acknowledge the financial support from the Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under grant number 103.02-2021.106.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


  1. Solid-state physics and materials science SPMS2023: Proceedings of the 13th National Conference on Solid-state physics and materials science (SPMS2023). . ;:. Google Scholar

Author's Affiliation
Article Details

Issue: Vol 26 No 4 (2023)
Page No.: 3027-3034
Published: Dec 31, 2023
Section: Section: NATURAL SCIENCES

 Copyright Info

Creative Commons License

Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Dao, V.-D., Duc Chien, N., Dinh Phuong, D., Thanh Huy, P., & Bach Thang, P. (2023). Orientation of solid-state physics and materials science at SPMS2023. Science and Technology Development Journal, 26(4), 3027-3034.

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