The yeast cells of Kluyveromyces marxianus immobilized on Nypa fruticans leaf sheath pieces was tested for acetic acid tolerance during ethanol fermentation. Control sample with the free yeast cells were also performed under the same conditions. When the acetic acid content in the medium varied from 0 to 8g/L, the cell growth rate of the immobilized and free yeast decreased by 8.3 to 10.3 time, respectively. In addition, increase in acetic acid content from 0 to 8g/L reduced ethanol formation rate of the immobilized and free yeast by 4.1 to 6.8 times, respectively. The immobilized yeast always demonstrated faster sugar assimilation and higher final ethanol concentration than the free yeast. Under acetic acid stress, the fixed yeast exhibited less change in unsaturated degree of fatty acids in cellular membrane than the free yeast. Application of immobilized yeast was therefore potential for improvement in ethanol fermentation from lignocellulosic material.
Issue: Vol 19 No 3 (2016)
Page No.: 165-175
Published: Sep 30, 2016
Section: Engineering and Technology - Research article
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