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This study is to survey the prevalence and antibiotic resistance pattern of Salmonella spp. isolated from the farms at Dak Lak province, Viet Nam. 139 farms including 5 civet farms, 14 pig farms and 120 duck farms were sampled and analyzed. The results showed that many samples collected from 120 duck farms,14 pig farms and 5 civet farms were positive positive for Salmonella spp. Four serogroups of Salmonella species were demonstrated, Salmonella group B (25 strains), Salmonella group non-typable (13 strains), Salmonella group D (8 strains) and Salmonella group C (2 strains). There were 50 % of Salmonella strains resisting to at least one antibiotic, 75 % of the strains expressing multiple antibiotic resistance. In particular, 3 strains Salmonella secreted to ESBL (Extented-spectrum- beta lactamse).

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Article Details

Issue: Vol 18 No 4 (2015)
Page No.: 85-94
Published: Dec 30, 2015
Section: Natural Sciences - Research article

 Copyright Info

Creative Commons License

Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Nguyen, H., Nguyen, V., Campbell, J., Baker, S., Nguyen, T., & Phan, T. (2015). Prevalence and antibiotic resistance pattern of Salmonella spp. isolated from farms at Dak Lak province. Science and Technology Development Journal, 18(4), 85-94.

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