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In reality, there are many high school students who do not determine exactly the career and the university which they want to attend. As the result of an investigate of Nguoi Lao Dong newspaper, over 60 percents of students admit that they had not have good vocational guidance when they registered to the university [1]. Therefore, a conceptual model of factors influencing students' college choice was developed to indentify the key factors and to evaluate the level of influence of these factors on high school students' university choice decisions. The result of 227 valid questionares from grade 12 students, school year 2008-2009 at 5 high schools at Quang Ngai province indicated 5 main factors influencing to the students' college choice including factors on future occupation opportunity; factors on information available; factors on student characteristics; factors on fixed college characteristisc and factors significant persons. The result of multiple linear regression model confirmed the relationship between these five factors above and the high school students' university choice decisions with the theories are supported at the statistically significant level of 0.05. And from this result, proposing motions to help families, schools and education organizations have practical approaches in order to well orient create good conditions for high school students to have the best university choices.

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Article Details

Issue: Vol 12 No 15 (2009)
Page No.: 87-102
Published: Sep 15, 2009
Section: Article

 Copyright Info

Creative Commons License

Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Tran, Q., & Cao, T. (2009). FACTORS INFLUENCING THE UNIVERCITY CHOICE DECISIONS OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. Science and Technology Development Journal, 12(15), 87-102.

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